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Unlike other ingredient databases, Think Dirty focuses exclusively on the chemical content of the products in question.

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For example, a product may contain an ingredient that is widely marketed but contains such a small concentration of the active that it actually doesn’t offer any benefits." So what we are left with are thousands of companies and people putting inaccurate or exaggerated information on their products and sites. "The truth is many cosmetic products do not require FDA approvals. So, we must know what we are putting on our skin for health and safety reasons," she notes. "The reason this is so important is because a significant percentage of what is applied to the skin can get absorbed into the bloodstream. It is so important to understand your ingredients, according to Engelman. The Think Dirty app helps you to understand how "clean" ingredients really are. Keep scrolling for the best websites that will help you check the ingredients in your favorite products.

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"So to understand what’s in a product, the bottom line is the ingredient label." The days of blind compliance-when a person just used whatever the “experts” told them to use-are long over," says Howe.

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"Today’s beauty consumer is more concerned than ever before about what, exactly, is in the products they’re putting on their skin.

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We spoke with board-certified NYC dermatologists Dendy Engelman, MD, and Kenneth Howe, MD along with master esthetician Heather Nicole on the importance of checking your beauty labels, and it inspired us to do some deep digging. These handy websites and apps break down the marketing lingo and list all the ingredients that are actually inside your beauty products, making you a more conscious consumer. What better way of knowing which product is right for you than really narrowing down what's inside of it? That's where ingredient checkers come in. When it comes to choosing beauty products, what's most important to you? How it looks, what it does or, what its ingredients are? Sometimes beauty industry jargon can be confusing, masking a product's true ingredients and effectiveness.

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