
Download manchester united anthem
Download  manchester united anthem

download manchester united anthem

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download manchester united anthem

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download manchester united anthem

However it seems Manchester United are not the only ones that had the idea as Leeds United, Tottenham and South Sydney had the same idea. By replacing the hallelujah with Man United, it quickly became a club favorite. The song was twisted to suit the club as the original melody was taken from a chant in the American Civil War which said Glory Glory hallelujah. However, it's extremely catchy chorus that just says Glory, Glory, Man United has proven to veey effective. Manchester United's Anthem doesn't really have much going for it in terms of melody. However not many people know how these songs were made or who made them. There is nothing more chilling and hair raising in a stadium's atmosphere than people in their tens of thousands, belting out the club's anthem, with the same passion and pride as if it was a national anthem.

Download  manchester united anthem